Monday, August 13, 2007

Dear August 13th.

Because I've been feeling this way for quite a while I feel I may as well just say it all today and stop waiting. So here we go.
I've been drowning in this constant need for expansion, for a reprise, for more to come out of my head, heart, and soul. I've been needing to find a way to read the sunday times, before Monday. I've been wanting to create a creation thats about creating my new legaqcy. My new legacy needs to be created before that though and I'm lost in this feeling of endless cycles. I want to get outside and do. But do what? I feel tied down by my lack of ambition and energy, tied to my bed posts, which just so happen to not exist at all. So I choose August 13th to be my new day of revival. My easter. I died somewhere along the way and so I sit on my bed writting about my death and my revival and the fact that it's in my head and heart and soul and stomach. And my stomach, I have barely any food, a spoon of peanut butter is not lunch, then again it was breakfast since I only woke up at 12. But all techniqualities aside. I need to get out of bed and re open up. I need to be who I was when something died. I miss who I was when I felt alone in the world. I love my friends but I want to be alone in the crowd for awhile. So I woke up to be inspired, and I was. My medium is a little blurry but, I'm inspired today. August 13th.

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